
10.19 JZ LIVE | 超当代的诗意与摇摆有多神秘?看完这个法兰西爵士乐队就懂了!

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SMART GRID 成功地将苛刻的、超当代的诗意与令人无法抗拒的抒情和摇摆相结合。

—— 法国Jazzman杂志


——Karl Ackermann, All about jazz

四位音乐家建立了一支真正现代的乐队,其闪亮的音乐包含了Dupont 20年的音乐经验和华丽的新灵感。这张新专辑里的贝司可以称得上室内六重奏爵士中的翘楚。堪称精华。

——Franpi Barriaux, Sun Ship. 节选

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Hubert Dupont Smart Grid — Wonder

Hubert Dupont Smart Grid来自巴黎,是一支才华横溢的四重奏乐队,四位优秀的乐手均有着丰富的演奏经验,一起致力于当代爵士,音乐中充满多重旋律的复合节奏和即兴互动。

2007年,乐队发行了专辑《 Spider’s Dance 》,法国Jazzman杂志如此评价此专辑:“Smart Grid 成功地将苛刻的、超当代的诗意与令人无法抗拒的抒情和摇摆相结合。”自此,乐队开启了巡演之路,足迹踏过了美国、加拿大和法国。随后,Denis Guivarc'h 替换了Rudresh Mahanthappa成为乐队新的萨克斯手,鼓手从Chander Sardjoe 换为Pierre Mangeard。

《 Spider’s Dance 》

新的乐队阵容在2018年底发行了专辑《Smart Grid》。Jazz News杂志的Pierre Tenne评价此专辑:“以丰富高超的爵士乐在历史记录上留下了浓重的一笔”

《 Smart Grid 》

Hubert Dupont大胆的作曲风格中充斥着带着复合节奏,使他的音乐一定程度上成为欧美(以及传统爵士占主导的非洲、印度以及中东地区)最具当代意义的爵士乐。


English Ver.

It is a very talented and very accomplice combo, which proposes a contemporary jazz, very rich in polyrhythmic acrobatics and improvised interactions, with the best hexagonal jazzmen !

"Dupont manages to marry a demanding, ultra-contemporary formal poetics with an absolutely irresistible lyricism and swing. " Jazzman welcomed the 2007 release of the album Spider's Dance.

Since then, the band has toured in USA, Canada and France, Denis Guivarc'h replaced Rudresh Mahanthappa, then Pierre Mangeard took the place of Chander Sardjoe on drums; this very talented and very accomplice group released the album Smart Grid at the end of 2018: "A demanding and rich jazz that hits the mark" (Pierre Tenne in Jazz News).

Hubert Dupont proposes audacious compositions, where polyrhythm plays a big role: in the sense of the most contemporary jazz in Europe and the USA, but also traditions (Africa, India, Near East) that he attended during his wanderings. and over the sets he has led. These compositions are as many playgrounds, on which the group gives free rein to frightening acrobatics, enigmatic rules of the game - and an obvious friendship - to find this singular poetry, this collective energy.



贝司 / 作曲

Hubert Dupont是法国当代爵士表演者之一,是其发展进程中积极的一份子;在长达25年的时间里,他一直活动在欧美爵士运动的核心位置;在保持自我音乐理念的同时,同样擅长与其他音乐的碰撞。

他曾跟从Robin Eubanks, Steve Lacy, Harold Land等大师演奏,他的音乐里融入了非洲元素 (与Sabar Ring, Sawadu等),印度元素  (与 Chander Sardjoe, Prabhu Edouard等),东方元素 (与Keyvan Chemirani, Elie Maalouf, Ahmad Al Khatib, Youssef Hbeisch等)。这些融合也让他发现,自己正处在爵士乐现代化的多元性中。


Hubert Dupont is one of the actors of the contemporary French jazz, an activist noticed with the singular course; he is at the heart of the movements that have been going on for 25 years in American and European jazz; he is also used to confront music from elsewhere, without denying his own universe. 

After having been a sideman of jazz legends as Robin Eubanks, Steve Lacy, Harold Land, he fed also his music with african music (with Sabar Ring, Sawadu…), indian (with Chander Sardjoe, with Prabhu Edouard…) oriental (with Keyvan Chemirani, Elie Maalouf, Ahmad Al Khatib, Youssef Hbeisch)… to find himself at a crossroad of modernities.

The poetic alchemy of his compositions shows his search for new forms, where polyrhythms and harmonies give birth to bright colors, as evidenced by his recent career of composer and leader.

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中音萨克斯手Denis Guivarc'h曾在管弦乐团Magic Malik 任职10年,在乐团最具声望的阶段,参与了5张专辑的发行和诸多巡演。

他参与了Eddie Louis 1991年的专辑Multicolored Feeling的录制;与包括Paco Sery在内的大师巡演;还与Steve Coleman, Nelson Veras, Pierre de Bethmann, Bojan Z, Julien Lourau, Batiste Trotignon, Louis Moutin, Jean Pierre Smadj, Minino Garay, Anga Diaz等知名音乐家多次合作。

他也是另外一支新乐队Exit的首领,与其他乐队成员Pierre De Bethmann, Jean Luc Lehr及Matthew Chazarenc一起,致力于节奏音律和非对称性音乐。

The Alto saxophonist Denis Guivarc'h was associated with Magic Malik Orchestra for ten years, 5 albums and many tours on the most prestigious stages.

He records with Eddie Louis's Multicolored Feeling in 1991; follow numerous collaborations, including with Paco Sery with whom he's been touring for 1 year. He also regularly collaborates with musicians such as Steve Coleman, Nelson Veras, Pierre de Bethmann, Bojan Z, Julien Lourau, Batiste Trotignon, Louis Moutin, Jean Pierre Smadj, Minino Garay, Anga Diaz… 

He is the leader of Exit, a new quartet, meeting swing and asymmetric music, with Pierre De Bethmann, Jean Luc Lehr and Matthew Chazarenc. 

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钢 琴

Yvan Robilliard生于音乐世家,4岁开始弹钢琴,曾获法国国立巴黎音乐学院优秀奖。在他的学习生涯中,他参与过Roger Muraro, Radoslav Kvapil, Winton Marsalis, Herbie Hancock等殿堂级音乐家的大师课。

他在即兴演奏上的天赋被制作人Antoine Herve发掘,这位Antoine Herve曾在2005年为Nocturne制作了首张专辑——Solo作品"Mouvance"; YVAN ROBILLIARD也在2005年获得法国Défense爵士大赛独奏和作曲单元奖,随后又被法国文化部选为当年的“人才新秀“。他曾与Yarrpa, Ixo, Marjolaine Reymond这样的大师合作,此外还组建了自己的三重奏乐队,甚至以Solo的形式进行表演。

Yvan Robilliard was born into a family of musicians and started playing the piano at 4 years old. In 1997, he received the first Superior Conservatory of Paris-CNR price. Throughout his training, he participated in master classes given by Roger Muraro, Radoslav Kvapil, Winton Marsalis, Herbie Hancock … 

His talent for improvisation was spotted by Antoine Herve, which produced in 2005 for Nocturne his first al-bum, a solo "Mouvance"; he also won that year the 28th "Défense Jazz Competition" in the soloist and com-position categories, then has been selected "young talent" by Cultures France. He occurs especially with Yarrpa, Ixo, Marjolaine Reymond; he leads his own trio and also performs solo. 

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在勃艮第结识了来自Collectif MU*的音乐家们之后,Pierre于2007年踏上了去巴黎的旅程。

*Collectif MU: 创立于巴黎十八区,是一家致力于当代艺术、音乐和新媒体的创意制作工作室。拥有一个多元化的演出场地——MU车库,坐落于著名的Goutte d'Or 古得多(又译作“黄金滴”)街区,自2012年起对公众开放演出。

他合作过的艺术家有Gregory Privat, Guillaume Perret, Rafael Paseiro, David Dyson, Andy Milne, La Dame Blanche, Jean Luc Lehr, Denis Guivarc'h, Dave Golitin .... and various fusion groups JAZZ / WORLD with Debademba, Toukouleur Orchestra, Simon WINSE等等。

他曾为Zetlab乐队, Toukouleur交响乐团, Nicolas Bauer五重奏, Boomer乐队录音。他优雅而高超的音乐技术,与Dupont在旋律上的审美不谋而合。

Originally from Burgundy, Pierre grew up in Chagny, near Bouzeron and other vineyards, in a family of musicians. At 14 years old, self-taught, he starts being passionate by drums.

Pierre, first evolves in Burgundy, where he will rub shoulders of Collectif MU's musicians, before settling in Paris in 2007.

He works with different artists like Gregory Privat, Guillaume Perret, Rafael Paseiro, David Dyson, Andy Milne, La Dame Blanche, Jean Luc Lehr, Denis Guivarc'h, Dave Golitin .... and various fusion groups JAZZ / WORLD with Debademba, Toukouleur Orchestra, Simon WINSE … 

He recorded albums for Zetlab, Toukouleur Orchestra, Nicolas Bauer Quintet, Boomer. He is an elegant acrobat who shares with Dupont the taste of polyrhythms.

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10.19 SAT

超 当 代 的 诗 意 与 摇 摆


Hubert Dupont Smart Grid


Bass:Hubert Dupont

Sax:Denis Guivarc’h

Piano:Yvan Robilliard

Drums:Pierre Mangeard

 时间 Time 

2019年10月19日 周六

Oct. 19th, Sat.


 票价 Ticket Price 



【 购 票 】


营业时间:上午10点 - 次日凌晨2点

地址:JZ LIVE 上海虹桥丽宝广场 


交通信息地铁2、10、17号线 虹桥火车站






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